Preston Street Films have a wealth of experience creating work in the healthcare sector. We have created videos around the world for frontline clinical service providers such as the NHS, health advocacy groups, medical research institutions and medical schools. We understand the unique challenges of creating high quality video within clinical settings, busy hospitals and working with vulnerable groups. Have a look below to see a few examples of our work.
Case Study: Inequalities in Cancer Screenings
The University of Hertfordshire, in collaboration with the British Islamic Medical Association (BIMA), commissioned us to produce this training film. It features Dr Salman Waqar, a GP and President of BIMA, discussing how to engage with the Muslim community on cancer screening. It was shot on location at Madinah mosque in Luton. Working on projects like this is incredibly rewarding, as films of this nature can have a significant and lasting impact.

Case Study: NHS Social Care Research
NHS Devon Partnership trust commissioned us to create a series of short documentaries exploring issues around the provision of social care research within the NHS.
Featuring clinicians, researchers and patients, the videos provide a fascinating insight into some of the challenges and the solutions in social care research.
Case Study: University of Exeter Medical School
The University of Exeter asked us to create a series of 7 films for their Clinical and Biomedical Sciences programmes.
The films feature academics and students and were created to promote the university’s postgraduate MSC programmes.
Filmed on locations in the University’s labs and lecture halls the films provide an insight into what it is like to work, study and conduct research at the University of Exeter.

Case Study: RAMM, A Picture of Health
This project was a fascinating collaboration between the Royal Albert Memorial Museum and the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital.
The video was shown in the RAMM exhibition A Picture of Health which charted the history of the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital from it’s founding in 1743 to the present day. The film features interviews with a range of current NHS employees who talk about the highs and the lows of working in the RD&E today, along with an interview with exhibition curator Holly Carter-Chappell who gives historical context and stories from the hospital over the ages.
Case Study: London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
We partnered with the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) in Ghana, Senegal, Uganda and in India in order to show the impact of their research and interventions across the globe. Using our documentary experience, we captured testimonies form community members, organisers and researchers and put together films that are complex yet relatable and that demonstrates how and why LSHTM’s research and programmes matter to the communities that are involved.