To see some more short documentaries we have made go to our Branded Documentary page.

To see some more short documentaries we have made go to our Branded Documentary page.
We have now made nine films for the popular BBC online strand BBC Ideas. The films pack complex ideas into entertaining short films. Some of the films we have made in partnership with the Open University or the Royal Society and with each we aim to create something stylistically different and visually engaging.
The films we have made are:
Table Manners. What do your table manners say about you? An exploration of the history and cultural significance of how we eat taking in perspectives from around the world. 2019.
What Do We Stand For? A film all about standing! Why do we stand on two legs, and what does the way we stand say about us? 2019.
Sporting Tips. Top tips for everyday living from the world of elite sports. Made in partnership with the Open University. 2020.
Sporting Parents. Being a parent can be hard. This film examines how best parents can support their children in sport. Made in partnership with the Open University. 2020
The Hidden Clues That Reveal Who You Are. This film examines how we now leave clues to our identity behind us wherever we go and how these clues can be used against us. Featuring a range of experts the film was commissioned by BBC Ideas in partnership with The Royal Society. 2021.
Why Are We So Fascinated by Ghost Towns? Shot on location in an abandoned manor house this film explores the phenomenon of Ghost Towns. From war to industrial accidents – we are often drawn to places that have been abandoned. What is it about ghost towns that intrigues us? Made in partnership with the Open University. 2021.
5 Books That Helped Shape Our World. Books inspire, entertain and help us escape into new worlds – but some have also had profound and lasting impacts on society. Made in partnership with the Open University. 2021.
The Secret History of Witches. Persecution, torture and swimming ‘tests’ – what it was like to be accused of witchcraft in 17th Century England. Made in Partnership with the Open University. 2022.
Endangered Languages. In this, our ninth film for BBC Ideas, we explore Endangered languages from around the world and the efforts being made to save them from extinction. Featuring language experts Dr Oliver Mayeux and Lindsay Williams and contributions from people all over the world the film is full of fascinating information about the way languages work and the threats they face.
Year2019-presentClientsBBC, The Open University, The Royal Society