Written by Preston Street Films and Martin Newman
Direction and Production: Preston Street Films
Illustrator & Animator: David Mirailles
Animator: Tom Bennett
Actors: Charice Bhardwaj & Lewie Chandler
SFX Attribution: All available at https://freesounds.org
“Bamboo Swing, B19.wav” by InspectorJ (www.jshaw.co.uk)
“Slide Whistle, Descending, B (H1).wav” by InspectorJ (www.jshaw.co.uk)
“Yamaha CS15 Analogue Drum Single Hits bd2hard.wav by Altemark
“baby_11months » baby_voice_11months (2).wav” by Reinsamba
“Sci Fi Disaster Pack, Forcefield Ambience, Broken.wav” by Thimblerig
“nnus_industrial_equipment_noise1.wav” by Nnus
“Servo Motor #no1” by Pogotron
“like status from old cheap portable analogue television.flac” by Timbre
“Wobble Board” by Mars_98
“Cheer crowd” by Johanneskristjansson
If you enjoyed this then check out BBC Ideas: Sporting Parents
What do we stand for? This film opens up completely new thinking on one of the most familiar shared human experiences of them all – standing! Leadership expert Martin Newman shares his insight to being upright – something almost all of us take for granted. In our second short film for BBC Ideas, we explore the challenges, power and history of standing, revealing that it is much more than just a case of understanding body language. Standing is not only a state of body, it is a state of mind.
‘Why do we stand on two legs’ was commissioned by BBC Ideas, August 2019.