Sustainability policy

Sustainability is something we all take very seriously at Preston Street Films and we are always striving to work in a more environmentally friendly way. Our staff have completed BBC Albert Training and we brief all external crew on our sustainability policy. We take the approach of marginal gains – the idea that all actions, no matter how small, will have an impact. Outlined below are the main points of our policy, but we keep this under review and are always looking for ways to improve.

  • Our industry is often carbon intensive due to the need for significant international air travel. As a company we try to minimise this wherever possible by using local crew, remote direction and seek alternative means of transport such as the Eurostar for european travel. When air travel is deemed essential we strive to take the most efficient route, and use a verified carbon offset program such as Atmosfair.
  • When not on shoots, all our staff walk, cycle or take public transport to the office.
  • When driving for shoots, we plan carefully to ensure the most efficient use of vehicles and wherever possible use local crew.
  • All of our production equipment is energy efficient and we use LED lighting on all of our shoots.
  • In the office and on location we have eliminated the use of plastic bottles and disposable cups or packaging. Our office is insulated to a high standard and has LED lighting.
  • We minimise the use of paper in the office and encourage crew to view documents such as scripts and call-sheets on their smart devices.
  • All office waste is streamed through appropriately labelled recycling bins.
  • Where appropriate we aim to include incidental representation of good practices around sustainability, or promoting care and consideration for the environment in the onscreen content we create.


Click here to see some work we made for Devon Climate Emergency