BBC Bitesize Virtual Options Evening
Each year, Year 9 students across the UK face the important decision of choosing which subjects to carry forward to their final exams. To help pupils with this process, BBC Bitesize commissioned us to create a series of videos showcasing some of the most popular subjects taught in schools in Scotland and Wales.
The videos feature subject teachers explaining what each course involves, along with insights from pupils sharing what they enjoy about studying those subjects. The video below is a teaser trailer that gives you a flavour of some of the content in the full videos.

In total, we produced 48 videos showcasing the experiences of teachers and pupils across Scotland and Wales. Filming took place in four schools: two in Glasgow, one in South Wales, and one in North Wales.
For the Welsh outputs, we created versions in both English and Welsh language. In order to ensure we represented a diverse range of students and teachers we undertook a detailed casting process, and brought in the skills of award winning casting director Selma Nicholls from Looks Like Me casting to help with this.
The finished videos were put into an interactive Virtual Options Evening which sits on the BBC Bitesize website and will help guide students to make informed choices for years to come.