Case Study Videos

When you’ve got something worth shouting about—a major achievement, a groundbreaking product, or the great work your company is doing—case study videos are the perfect way to share it. These videos showcase real-world results, showing how your product or service has genuinely helped people or businesses.

Met Office

Case Study - Knowledge Asset Management

The Government Office for Technology Transfer commissioned us to create this video, designed primarily for civil servants. It showcases the Met Office as a case study in developing a strategic approach to Knowledge Asset Management.

The Met Office serves as an excellent model of best practice, demonstrating how public sector organisations can effectively identify, manage, and leverage their knowledge assets. This video provides valuable insights and guidance for civil servants looking to implement similar strategies within their own departments.

See the video

Case Study - PKF Francis Clark Case Study

PKF Francis Clark commissioned us to make a series of case study videos about their Corporate Finance division.

The videos tell the stories of real clients as they complete a deal with the assistance of PKF Francis Clark. The clients are very much the stars of the story with PKF Francis Clark playing a critical role as their guide. Think of the client as Luke Skywalker and PKF Francis Clark as Obi Wan Kenobi!

Watch the video
PKF Case Study